Archive for September 21st, 2009

One more day ’til autumn :(

I hate to see the summer end.  It means that it won’t be long before all the flowers die off and everything in Maryland turns brown.  Last year the flowers actually stayed pretty nice until the middle of November, I’m hoping for the same this year!  It is getting cooler though for sure.  It was down in the 40’s last night ~ I guess I’d better keep watching the weather forcast for frost warnings so that I can bring in the plants I want to “try” to keep for next year.  I collected more seeds today, mostly impatients ~ now that I know about the seed pods on them.  I can’t believe that I’ve been planting impatients for over 20 years and never noticed the seed pods.  They are just like the pods on my Balsam impatiens.  I guess I always thought they were just a bloom that hadn’t opened yet.  Hopefully, I won’t have to purchase any next year~ I’ll just grow my own!  I took a few photos today:IMG_2644IMG_2652IMG_2661IMG_2663

I think the cosmos and cleomes look so pretty together!  Hopefully I’ll be able to get some seeds from the Cleome for next year.  A patient of mine, who is a retired science teacher and an avid gardener told me that the Cleome (pronounced “Clee-oh-mee”) are from the tobacco family.  He said that in tobacco fields they save one plant to use for the seeds for the entire crop the next year!  Hopefully that will be the same w/ this plant.  Well, one more day of my 4 day weekend 😦 but the sun is supposed to shine all day and rain at night!  What a perfect day ~ can’t wait!

Add a comment September 21, 2009


September 2009

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